She fleshes out these modern views - for Mali and many other African countries, at least - with songs that both encourage her countrymen to recognize women as individuals and focus on a girl's struggle to reconcile old values with modern needs.

Undulating atop a musical base featuring violin, the djembe goblet drum, a call-and-response choir, and the kamalengoni harp, Sangare daringly speaks out against such traditional practices as polygamy and arranged marriages.

And while she would go on to cut albums with a mix of traditional and tastefully chosen Western elements, Moussoulou captures Sangare in all her sensual acoustic glory. Finding her way to the city of Abidjan in 1989, Sangare cut a cassette that would eventually sell close to a quarter of a million copies it became her debut disc, compliments of the World Circuit label. Hailing from the Wassoulou forest region of Mali, singer Oumou Sangare helped modernize the acoustic-native mix of hunters' songs and sogoninkun dance music she grew up with. I don't have a version of Oumou's 'Moussolou' cassette up to download, nor have I come across one in the vast internet ocean. Bintou is of the old school of wassoulou women, among Coumba Sidibe, Kagbe Sidibe, and early Oumou Sangare.

Oumou FLAC.rar 2009 - Seya FLAC.rar Download from nitroflare. Oumou Sangare is an internationally renowned award-winning singer.